What you weigh is really important, but it certainly is not the be all and end all when it comes to health and fitness. You can have an ideal weight in relation to your height, but if you also smoke 40 cigarettes a day then you are unlikely to be healthy. Don't get me wrong, if you are clearly overweight or even obese, then you do need to lose weight, but a lot of people could benefit from just replacing fat with muscle (you will still get slimmer).
Don't Get Frustrated
A lot of people become very frustrated when their healthy new lifestyle doesn't result in the weight loss they feel their efforts deserve.This could be down to the fact that their fat is being turned into muscle as they get fitter. It would be useful to know the difference between losing body fat and losing body weight, before judging how successful your new healthy lifestyle has been. If you are actually doing rather well, you need to know about it.
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The Difference Between Fat Loss And Weight Loss
When people go on crash diets, they can lose a lot of weight very quickly, but this is mainly down to losing body fluids and not fat. This is why the weight loss is rarely permanent and the weight inevitably comes back. The scales do not tell you how much of your weight is made up of muscle and how much is fat. Weight loss can be temporary as your weight fluctuates from day to day, but changing the composition between fat and muscle in your body should result in more permanent results.
Other Ways To Measure Progress
It is essential that you realise the success you are achieving in order to stay focused and motivated. Using scales should not be the only way you measure your progress. How your clothes, watch and rings now fit you is an excellent guide to how well you are progressing, if they are getting looser then you are on the right track. You should also record your measurements (BMI. waist, hips, chest and thighs) on a regular basis to see if the inches are coming off. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so don't just rely on the scales. There are also ways that you can check your body fat and body composition (ratio of lean body mass to fat).
Don't become a martyr to your scales, they may just drive you crazy. Understand the difference between weight loss and fat loss, adopting healthy eating habits along with regular exercise. Use numerous methods to record your progress and gauge your weight loss success. You can lose inches without losing weight.
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